ComPubSp: Moving Beyond the Inbox: Strategies for effective collaboration

Communication & Public Speaking CoP - Moving Beyond the Inbox: Strategies for effective collaboration

5.30-6.30 Registration,Snack & Premeeting Networking

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This is a NCPMI Communication & Public Speaking CoP- NCPL Toastmasters Club Meeting. The Meeting includes prepared speech, table topics, networking, evaluations, jokes and multiple meeting operations roles.



  1. This  meeting is free for NCPMI & North Carolina Project Leaders Toastmasters (NCPL) members
  2. Space is limited if you register and cannot attend, please update the VP Programs or EVP in order that your space can be allocated to members on the standby list. - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;
  3. Snack/Finger food will be provided
  4. PDUs will be reported by NCPMI
  5. PMPs are required to provide their PMI numbers in order that their PDUs can be reported
  6. Please arrive on time in order that the meeting can start promptly
  7. Please leave the facility in equal or better condition than you found it
  8. The meeting will take place at Cisco in Building 12, 7200 Kit Creek Rd, Morrisville, NC.  Click on Location for directions.  When you arrive, PLEASE LOOK FOR THE NCPMI & North Carolina Project Leaders Toastmasters signs.
  9. Please note that there are other Toastmasters clubs meeting at Cisco. Please ensure that you attend the correct meeting- NCPMI Communication & Public Speaking CoP- NCPL Toastmasters Club Meeting.

Every day, over 200 billion email messages are sent worldwide. This deluge of emails reduces our ability to focus on work because we are constantly filtering our Inbox conversations to keep our heads above water.

*In this 2-part 40 minute workshop*, Tony Castrogiovanni and John Papazian cover strategies that will allow you to effectively collaborate with colleagues without contributing to this flood of emails.


* In Part 1,* alternatives such as effective usage of Cloud Collaboration platforms (e.g. Slack), stand-up “huddle” meetings, and telephone calls are covered.

During *Part 2*, the audience is split into small groups to brainstorm and share additional ideas for alternatives to sending email.

Learning Objectives:  
Attendees leave with not only new insights and motivation, but access to a mastermind of individuals interested in supporting each other as they put the knowledge learned into practice.


Speakers’ Bio-Notes:

Tony*Tony Castrogiovanni* grew up in New Jersey and moved to North Carolina to complete his degree in Computer Science at North Carolina State.  He has worked at SAS for the last 15 years crafting his skills as a software professional, thought leader and public speaker.  He currently works for SAS CurriculumPathways where he applies his passion for deeply connecting with others to K-12 educational technology.  Additionally, he serves as the VP of Public Relations for the SAS Softtalk Toastmasters club.  Outside of work, he enjoys cooking, exercising, and dancing with his wife Alicia.





John*John Papazian* was born in Colorado and moved to North Carolina to escape from the cold snow and the Reefer Madness.  He is a proud member of the Raleigh Toastmasters Club, where he recently earned his Advanced Communicator Bronze award.  Additionally, he is a member of the SAS Toastmasters Club, where he has witnessed firsthand the great effects that Toastmasters can have on an organization.

Event Details

Event Date 04-11-2017 5:30 pm
Event End Date 04-11-2017 8:00 pm
Cut off date 04-11-2017 12:00 pm
Registered 20
Available place 25
Individual Price $5.00
Location Cisco Campus - Building 12 (Vienna, Warsaw, Madrid)

We are no longer accepting registration for this event